Added by mark scarantino over 11 years ago
we are testing with release OpenProject 3.0.0pre8 (Mysql2)and really love the capabilities.
One item we are trying to identify is response time.
This is the first Debian server we have installed and are not sure if it is the reason for the slow response or not.
Has anyone else experienced this and have any helpful hints?
By slow I mean more the thirty seconds to load the new page.
This is with both Firefox and IE.
Replies (10)
What is your deployment stack?
Here is some info on the environment it is running on, let me know if you need any other info. It seems to run very quick after re-booting, but only for a short time. We disabled the auto-lock thinking it was going into sleep mode but that did not resolve the issue.
Debian 7.1 32 bit
OpenProject 3.0.0pre8 (Mysql2)
Running on VMware vSphere 5.1.0
CPU: 2 virtual sockets, 1 core per socket
Memory: 8192mb
It seems to me you are simply running one OpenProject process on your server, which would explain why it is so slow. You should probably learn about Rails production deployments. This link provides the required information;
We’re maintaining OpenProject instances that run in Phusion Passenger inside Apache, so that setup is the one you should run into the least problems with as it is well tested. According to the link;
I think we are really close now, but getting an error in the production.log file…..
It seems you have not migrated your production database.
How were you testing response times when there were still database errors? Were you able to change your deployment stack as described in my previous post?
I was able to follow the steps layed out in the link you shared. We are attempting to deploy via Apache and the Phusion Passenger module as suggested. Everything seemed to go smooth, but still recieved this error. We assumed it was a problem migrating the database over. If I am remembering correctly, we simply ran the rake db:migrate command. Is this the correct way to migrate the database?
What are the contents of your database.yml for the Phusion Passenger instance? I understand that you are using MySQL, can you check whether the database for your production environment actually exists?
After doing some more research and discovering the tables in production were empty, I was able to migrate the tables using rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.
However, I am now getting a new error in the production.log file. I have attached the database.yml and production.log files.
Appreciating all your help. Looking forward to getting this up and running!!
After much searching, I finally came across something that appears to have resolved this issue. I was able to use rake assets:precompile, then restarted the server and we seem to be up and going in production. Hoping this improves the response time.
Thanks again for your help!!
Great! You’re welcome.