Added by John Parker almost 11 years ago
I’ve been using Redmine for some time, but while looking for a better way to manage “requirements” came across OpenProject.
I guess I would just define a Work Package type for Requirements.
However, in our workflow:
So, what is the best way to represent the relationship between “work Packages” e.g. Feature x implements Requirements a,b,c
Many Thanks
Replies (2)
Hi John,
defining an separate work package type with a separate workflow is a good way for this. Here at OpenProject we use the the scrum methodology. We have the following entities implemented as types with different work flows:
The good thing about different typs is that you can easily filter for types in timelines. So you can easily get an overview of a high level roadmap.
We try to have an 1:n-entity. So an theme can have several epics, an epic can have several user stories and so on.
I guess you can apply the same concept for other process models, e. g.:
I know a lot of teams that use the attribute “responsible” to show this. The development lead or team lead is then responsible for a requirement, the developer for a feature. The “assigned to” attribute then shows who is currently working on the work package, e.g a reviewer, designer, tester etc.
Hi Niels
This looks very promising.
Thanks again