Added by Michael Oosten almost 9 years ago
I’ve been testing OpenProject for project management, which works perfectly well, of course…
Now I’m trying to get an overview of all open projects. Using Timeline reports I am able to get several sub-projects to report into one high-level report. However, I need more levels.
I would like to group projects within one Business Unit together. And within the BU level I’d like to group strategic themes together.
Is there a way to create more levels? Or to tag projects and group by tag?
Any ideas?
Replies (1)
Hi Michael,
you can apply the “first grouping criterion” to group projects based on their parent project.
For instance, if you have 3 business units (projects) which have separate sub projects, you can group by those BUs in the “Grouping” section of the timeline report (when editing the timeline).
Your projects are then clustered by those groups.
To group a timeline report as described, edit the timeline report, scroll down to the section “Grouping” and check “First grouping criterion”. Then select the parent projects which function as groups.
Finally, you can decide the sorting order of those groups and decide whether or not to hide all projects which are not in one of the groups.