Added by Alex Matei about 9 years ago
I installed Op 5.0.9 (packaged install) on Ubuntu 14.04(Apache2) and the Login screen remains in English when I Logout .When the user is logged the translation works well (any language).
I did a little research an I understand it has something to do with the way the back_url is generate.
The Icon description in the footer section remains also in English even if they are correctly translated when the user is loged in.
Same thing happens in 5.0.10 manual install.
Can you point me ins some direction for further research?
Thank you in advance
Replies (5)
No locale settings for anyonymous users exists, thus OpenProject falls back to the browser’s requested
:The locale is determined with the following priority:
1. The language as configured by the user.
2. The first language defined in the Accept-Language header sent by the browser.
3. OpenProject’s default language defined in the settings.
Is this consistent with the reports you’re seeing ? If not , please file a bug in the OpenProject project.
Yes this is it, I don’t think there is a need for a bug report.Now i understand how it works.
Thank you for your time and the explanation Oliver.
All the best
The locale determination rules on this message were really helpful to explain how OpenProject works so I’ll continue on a related question: Why the default language on User Settings page seems to be Deutsch (6.1.0. now, but I think it was the same on 5.x.).
I’m having English as default OpenProject language, my browser definitely prioritizes English over Deutsch and as a result it seems that new users (admin + me as a test user) see all texts in English. But if I go to the User Settings page as one of these users the currently displayed Language is “Deutsch”. If I just save, my language is changed to Deutsch.
This is not any major problem, but a potential risk exists at least in a scenario where the admin would go and change some setting for a user without any intention to change his/her language. By pushing Save on the User Settings page the admin would accidentally change user’s language as well.
Hi Mika,
could you report that bug in the OpenProject project?
Please assign it to me and version ‘6.1.2’.
Hi Oliver
Bug #24386: Created by Mika Lahti