How to delete a user? + How to contribute to the dokumentation?
Added by Alexander Brovman about 11 years ago
Hey there,
1)I was wondering about something rather simple perhaps, I am trying to delete a user from the OpenProject 3.0 Development environment i just installed on Debian Wheezy 7.4 with Postgresql 9.1 .
I open the administrative module as the admin account (logged in as admin/admin) and go to the users “tab” on the lefthand side.
For arguments/examples sake i would want to delete the user Ari148.. i click on the name and get to the following screen:
But i do not see a “remove user” or a “delete user” button or checkmark option. Am I missing something really obvious here? Because other than the lock user option from the first screen i do not see anything closely related to this… yes i could technically go into the database and purge him from there but that seems like sort of a … radical option.
I would appreciate some help here.
I am loving this project so far, and it is refreshing to see an open source project not entirely based on java. I have noticed that the installation instructions for Debian + Postgresql could be a bit better/Updated, since i have “protocolled” my installation procedure anyways I was wondering if i could contribute to the installation procedure in the wiki somehow.
Kind regards,
Replies (5)
Hi Alexander,
A cannot straight answer your question 1. But I have better news regarding question 2. I’m very happy to hear that you want to contribute to the installation instructions. Your account is upgraded to the ‘Community Member’ role, so you should now be able to edit wiki pages on the OpenProject project. Just navigate to the installation guide (it’s a wiki page) and edit it [insert spider man power and responsibility citation here] :)
If anything is unclear, feel free to ask any further questions.
Hi Alexander,

to delete a user you have to configure it in: Administration
Configuration>Users, see picture below.Greetings Thomas
Har! Seems I haven’t paid enough attention to that feature. Listen to Thomas :)
I’ll edit my old post to not give any false information there.
Hi Alexander,
as Thomas says you have to enable this function in the admin area.
Be aware that you have to have a running delayed_job which starts the actual deletion.
Thanks guys, this is massively appreciated. Also thanks for theh eadsup with the delayed_job, ill get on that, i am kind of dealing with more pressing issues in Alfresco right now unfortunately (primary reason why I hate Java).
As for the documentation on Debian 7.4 Install, I’ll edit my install notes and will update the install page. There are lots of references/instructions that imply/presuppose that the users know what they are doing, while it is true that you are able to resolve most issues by googling enough or experimenting around I think that new products for new users need to be formatted as simple as possible, preferably in a step by step format. Also Ruby can be a quite frustrating under debian.
Either way so far everything is running perfectly smooth although installation took me longer than I want to admit at this point :D
Thanks once again for the help :)