Timelines - Not following earlier finishing dates?
Added by Deleted user about 11 years ago
Hi, I refer to this video:
1st: I have no submenue @ timelines in version 3.0. So i have no menue-Items called “dependencies” and no “planning elements”.
But I think i can set theses things at other places. All ok with my installation?
I don´t get dependencies managed. If I have an item that is “the follower of” another item, with 2 days offset. The dates of the follower changes, if i enter a date in the preceeding element that is later then the initially planned finishing date. OK, fine!
But if i enter in the first item an earlier finishing date, the following item does not follow the new finishing date + 2 days of the preceeding elemet, it just stays on the old planning dates.
What am i missing, what do i have to do? (In example it is one relationship, but i want that 30 tasks update if i change the first element, so i cant delete all planning-dates in the followers)
3rd: What is the meaning of “In Beziehung zu” “in relation to” another task?? What means relation in practice? What happens if i set this? I understand blocked, following; (these are relations) but what happens if i say it has “a relation to” another item???
Apologize my bad english pls.
Greetings Thomas
P.S.: Example to 2nd question:
1st item:
scheduled: 10.02.2014-15.02.2014
2nd item:
not scheduled, defined as following item1 + 2 days
View in timeline:
1st item: 10.02.2014-15.02.2014
2nd item: 17.02.2014-17.02.2014
editing 2nd item, because i cant work the 37 hours planned for 2. item in one day ( no resource planning and working hours available, right?)
editing: 17.02.2014-22.02.2014
A few days after initial planning:
1st item finishes earlier:
changing finishing date 1st item to: 13.02.2014
problem: 2nd item stays at 17.02.2014-22.02.2014. This item should have moved 2 days to 15.02.2014-20.02.2014