Missing "Personalize this page" on the welcome-page and the project-overviews
Added by Marcus Drobisch almost 9 years ago
After my update to Openproject from 4.2 to 5.0. I’m missing some features of the “My_Project_Overview”-Plugin.
I’m not sure, if this is caused by some sort downgrading of this plugins for the new 5.0 architecture or a bug.
Could someone please confirm that this functionality should still be available?
I ran in some migration/seeding errors that got fixed with 5.0.8.
But since than, i lost the chance to customize neither the project overviews nore the welcome page.
If its a bug: Is there a chance to find out whats going on? There are no errors/warnings shown.
(Maybe some problems with the database after the bad migration).
Thanks for your support.
OpenProject is such a incredible peace of software :-)
Replies (1)
Sorry wrong forum, can someone please copy this to the “Support” board.
Best regards