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When will the missing Resource Planning View on the roadmap?
Added by Tobias Schmitt about 9 years ago
Hi guys,
I am working for a major software company as team manager and we are currently evaluating new project planning tools.
I already found out that the resource planning module is currently missing in OpenProject.
Is there maybe a plugin avaliable for this? (I was not able to find one)
Do you already have an idea when this feature will be on the roadmap?
=> This is (in my opinion) an essential feature for such a tool
The minimum we would need is:
- a “standard” calendar for all members (e.g. public holidays)
- an individual calendar for every member (e.g. for vacations)
- a “usability” for every member (e.g. when a developer is only 50% usable during a specific period, etc …)
- best case would be if you could manage this with to-from date (e.g. from 01/01/16 to 01/02/16 50% usable)
- the calendars and usability must of course influence the timelines
Another great feature would be a resource view / report to show the work load per member (to avoid palnning a member with more than XY %)
- best case would be if this can be generated per project and as averall (all projects)
If there is already a plan to implement this, than I was not able to find it :)
Replies (1)
Hello Tobias,
thanks for your suggestions.
Resource planning and management is definitely an important feature which we consider implementing.
Since this is a major feature and requires a lot of specification and subsequent implementation this is however not a topic which will likely be implemented in the short term.
The next releases (5.1 and 5.2) will mainly include improvements for the work package list:
OpenProject 5.1 will allow inline creation (and editing) of work packages in the work package list (improving usability) and OpenProject 5.2 will likely add drag and drop functionalities to the work package list.
(For the planned feature have a look at the development timeline)
Do you have a specific reference tool in mind which implements the features you describe?
Since OpenProject is open source you could also develop a separate plugin (feel free to take a look at the code contribution guidelines). There is also the option of custom development of features. If you are interested in custom development you can post your requirements in the Jobs - Offer and seek board or send us an email at