Added by Mike Lewis over 9 years ago
After upgrading to 5.0.7, it appears my unit costs are all still there, however, I can’t log any new unit costs because there’s no more menu option! Did it move somewhere else? I’m not finding it… Help… Really need to be able to log unit costs, or I might have to roll back to 4.2 until this gets fixed.
No “Log Unit Costs” here.
No “Log Unit Costs” here, either.
Unit costs are still being tracked, though.
17-Dec-2015 UPDATE: I can access the log unit costs page by directly typing in the URL. (e.g. http://{server-ip-address}/work_packages/420/cost_entries/new
) I’m just wondering if I missed the memo of where the menu option went to? Or did this inadvertently get broken?
Replies (8)
Hello Mike,
thanks for your message.
This is a bug which has already been fixed (#22331) and which will be included in OpenProject 5.0.8 (#22185).
5.0.8 is scheduled for this week.
I have the same problem after an update from 4.2 to 5.0.15
Budget isn’t visible as well.
I am able to log Unit Costs just fine in 5.0.15 (was fixed in 5.0.8 as reported.)
Dear Mike,
thanks for the quick reaction.
As far as I know settings are fine.
See different screenshots.
I also tried disabling other plugins etc but nothing worked so far.
Kind regards,
I am still having difficulty reproducing the bug. With the same configurations as you have shown, I am able to see the Log Unit Costs menu option.
Do you have Cost Types defined? (Administration → Cost Types)
I did notice that this setting for permissions:
… Makes the Log Unit Costs menu option unavailable for users in that role. I would expect that if they are able to log own unit costs, the menu option should still be available.
I have a cost type and I can see previously logged costs, but cannot edit a budget or add new costst.
what plugins do you have installed?
Kind regards,
Wim, I am using the packaged version of OpenProject, which IMHO is much easier to install and update than the manual install version. I do not necessarily use all of the features provided by all of the plugins at this time, even though they are installed and active by default with the packaged installation. Here are all the plugins installed on my system, and as far as I can tell they all work out of the box (well, at least the ones we utilize most):
Are you using the manual or packaged installation?
If everything is working correctly, “Budgets” should be in the left sidebar menu after you select a project. (See below.)
Thanks for your help.
I just gave up in the end and removed my manual installation. I reinstalled everything from the ubuntu installation package and now it is visible.