Added by Mike Lewis about 9 years ago
Hi guys. Just upgraded to 5.0.5 on a dev machine to check out the slick new OP5 and to do a practice run on the upgrade/migration from 4.2.9. Thoughts overall… Very Nice! :thumbsup:
In the work package list, the Overall Cost column is still showing “EUR” as the currency, despite setting the Costs plugin otherwise. (See my screen clips.)
Looks like it was reported in 4.x, but now it appears that work package was rejected? (See
Also, it looks like the arrow icon that’s supposed to be in the column header isn’t displaying right, as per my screen shot. (Maybe a separate work package for that?)
This should be an easy one to fix… right?
Replies (1)
Hi Mike,
thanks for your message. Great to hear you like OP 5.0. :)
You’re right: The bug with the wrong currency in the columns was wrongly rejected. We’ll try to address this error in one of the next patch releases.
The error with the arrow icon in the work package columns seems to be related to the costs plugin.
This one should be quite easy to fix. It’s tracked in #22300.
Regarding the patch releases: There are some errors which are quite critical / annoying and will be fixed next (e.g. see the list of bug fixes for OpenProject 5.0.7 (scheduled for tomorrow)) but we’ll try to address these errors next.