Added by Martin Haedecke over 9 years ago
I’m able to connect and list work packages via API 3.0
But the creation doesn’t work.
Has somebody an example or can explain how the creation form is working?
And please, don’t post the API-URL. ;)
Kind regards
Replies (4)
Hi Martin,
first, let me tell you that the v3 has been heavily worked on and the following applies mainly to the 5.0 (dev) branch of OpenProject.
you can get a look at the required fields for a new work package of a new project using the
endpoint [1].It will return a schema that’s also in use by the frontend to distinguish required and optional parameters as well as getting a list of some potential values (e.g., for the status or work package type).
Note that this schema may be highly different for a given project and type due to the way projects and their types can be customized in OpenProject. If you look at the requests from the frontend, you’ll notice requests to
that returns the appropriate schema for this project and type.To create a work package in a given project, you ‘simply’ POST the correct values to the endpoint
. [2]In the default Task type, the following JSON hash would be acceptable and creates a WP on my local machine:
Best regards,
Oliver from OpenProject
[1] Work package form endpoint
[2] Work package create endpoint
I have tried to send a HTTP request to my server to create a work packages and have use your example:
Content-Type: text/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 334
Expect: 100-continue
subject subject“,
”description“: {
”format“: ”textile“,
”raw“: ”My raw
formatted description. Bye guys!"},
“_links”: {
“type”: {href,
But I get an error:
HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2015 13:28:58 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Status: 406 Not Acceptable
Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 56
Cache-Control: no-cache
X-Request-Id: ebdb9df2-697c-4073-b4d0-fe25a20c6462
X-Runtime: 0.003627
The requested content-type ‘text/json’ is not supported.
Unfortunately, I’ve not found in any documentation an example of an whole HTTP request for create a workpackage with API v3.
Have anybody a idee, why this is wrong?
same here, I am not able to create any work packages.
Whatever I send, I get:
message internal error has occured."
I use 5.0.5, apache httpclient
Anyone has a working example?
Thanks. M.
Works now. The correct content type for posting work_packages is:
“Content-Type: application/json”
not “hal+json”.