Added by Bernd Müller about 9 years ago
I am about to update OP even though I still have a serious and unsolved database problem in OP see [[]].
So I check the update how page, but lord!, this page is slightly confusing,
Are these still the correct versions I need to have installed on my system?
rvm version 2.1.5
node version: 0.12.2
npm version 1.4.28
bower version 1.3.12
passenger version 4.0.53
I have a running debian 7.9 and none of the above version match, as all are newer.
Could someone please check what versions should be the correct ones? That would be very friendly.
Replies (1)
Hi Bernd,
I am a newbie to OP but not to linux, where I know my ways round.
The last days I installed some test-environment as my company is thinking about using OP for project management.
Due to this I checked out the install instructions and very soon came to the conclusion, never ever I would install this moloch by hand ;)
Package install is far more convenient, as updates are way easier.
Even though fiddling around with linux can be funny, I prefer systems that are easy with daily maintenance to wich tasks like updating belong.
I dunno if you like my idea, but for your very problem I would propose the following:
- export all database and config stuff by the internal backup function (a pity there’s no corresponding import feature :( )
- do a package install of 4.0 (as far as I understood, this is you current version) on some other (virtual) machine
unfortunately this doesn’t offer the option to switch to Debian Jessie in the same step as 4.0 is only packaged for Wheezy
see install instructions at
- unpack/import your saved settings to this instance and see what it’s doing
- maybe you’ll find out, database is still not healthy
- upgrade first to 4.1 then to 4.2 by changing the repo enties in /etc/apt/sources-list.d/openproject
- I’m far away from promising this, but maybe the upgrade procedure will fix the existing DB issues
To point it out: it’s just a proposal - maybe fruitless work, if it doesn’t fix your problem - but hope dies at last … ;)
In case the above procedure brings your install back to work, I personally would recommend to stay on 4.2.9
The next version 5.0 has indeed some nice features, but not all of them are “bulletproof” at present.
In my first approach to OP I involuntarily ended up in testing both of the above and in result will stick to 4.2.9 for the next few months.
Best Regards