Problem with lost password
Added by stefano viacava almost 9 years ago
Hi all.
When i try to view a lost password, this return me an “internal error” and on log show me this
I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.336030 #15550] INFO -- : Started GET "/" for at 2015-11-24 09:48:21 -0300 I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.338369 #15550] INFO -- : Processing by HomescreenController#index as HTML I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.346273 #15550] INFO -- : Redirected to I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.346557 #15550] INFO -- : Filter chain halted as :check_if_login_required rendered or redirected I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.346928 #15550] INFO -- : Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.352634 #15550] INFO -- : Started GET "/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.205%2F" for at 2015-11-24 09:48:21 -0300 I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.354893 #15550] INFO -- : Processing by AccountController#login as HTML I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.355097 #15550] INFO -- : Parameters: {"back_url"=>""} I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.374817 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_password_login_form.html.erb (7.8ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.376367 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered hooks/login/_auth_provider.html.erb (0.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.378256 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bundler/gems/openproject-auth_plugins-cc485a7946e1/app/views/hooks/login/_providers.html.erb (1.4ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.378528 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_auth_providers.html.erb (3.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.383298 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bundler/gems/openproject-announcements-bbfcbc49f787/app/views/announcements/_show.html.erb (4.1ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.383583 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/login.html.erb within layouts/base (17.3ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.392975 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered common/_favicons.html.erb (1.6ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.400212 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered search/_mini_form.html.erb (1.3ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.407916 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered hooks/login/_auth_provider.html.erb (0.1ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.408879 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bundler/gems/openproject-auth_plugins-cc485a7946e1/app/views/hooks/login/_providers.html.erb (0.5ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.409193 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_auth_providers.html.erb (1.9ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.409872 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_login.html.erb (7.7ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.411778 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_action_menu.html.erb (0.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:21.414013 #15550] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 59ms (Views: 47.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.209904 #15550] INFO -- : Started GET "/account/lost_password" for at 2015-11-24 09:48:29 -0300 I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.212031 #15550] INFO -- : Processing by AccountController#lost_password as HTML I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.228724 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/lost_password.html.erb within layouts/base (4.5ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.235775 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered common/_favicons.html.erb (1.5ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.241435 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered search/_mini_form.html.erb (0.8ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.250143 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered hooks/login/_auth_provider.html.erb (0.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.252145 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bundler/gems/openproject-auth_plugins-cc485a7946e1/app/views/hooks/login/_providers.html.erb (1.5ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.252451 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_auth_providers.html.erb (3.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.252978 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered account/_login.html.erb (10.0ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.254922 #15550] INFO -- : Rendered layouts/_action_menu.html.erb (0.2ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:29.256936 #15550] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 45ms (Views: 33.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms) I, [2015-11-24T09:48:34.702844 #15550] INFO -- : Started POST "/account/lost_password" for at 2015-11-24 09:48:34 -0300 I, [2015-11-24T09:48:34.704980 #15550] INFO -- : Processing by AccountController#lost_password as HTML I, [2015-11-24T09:48:34.705187 #15550] INFO -- : Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"IcYiz1vHIYZ+u1vNn3GAYdKUqTVWYk+C/PS96jZiG1RPcpDAu0ygnfpJq2cAqRsXSBqagOqF02EVSYCP9zR3dA==", "mail"=>"sviacava“, ”button“=>”"}
I, [2015-11-24T09:48:34.778474 #15550] INFO — : Rendered user_mailer/password_lost.text.erb within layouts/user_mailer (0.7ms)
I, [2015-11-24T09:48:36.188322 #15550] INFO — :
Sent mail to (1407.0ms)
I, [2015-11-24T09:48:36.189028 #15550] INFO — : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1484ms (ActiveRecord: 42.5ms)
F, [2015-11-24T09:48:36.190879 #15550] FATAL — :
Net::SMTPAuthenticationError (535 Incorrect authentication data
app/controllers/account_controller.rb:104:in `lost_password’
app/middleware/params_parser_with_exclusion.rb:40:in `call’