Added by Simon Ives about 11 years ago
As our company is growing into a number of offshore locations we’re looking for a cost-effective, although feature rich, replacement for MS Project. One of our “must haves” is the capacity to add and calculate for both total and free slack on each node within the network (we use AON at present).
So, my questions are:
1. Does Open Project provide a facility to add slack to nodes?
2. Does Open Project have a network diagram view that calculates the critical path across the network?
3. Does Open Project calculate Forward Pass and Backward pass times for each node across the network?
Thanks in advance.
Replies (2)
Hi Simon,
all three requirements are not met yet. However these are interesting paths for the future.
Thanks for the speedy reply Niels, appreciated.
I thought as much given the lack of mention in the feature tour.
Great work on the product so far, and I love the user interface too. I’ll be checking in again in the future to see how the product has developed.