Added by Paulius Sladkevičius over 9 years ago
we’re facing repeating job that most of our external project managers always forget to do is to add him self to a watcher list after creation of a new WP.
If there is any plugin or patch that could help to make that creator automatically become watcher of task?
If not how complex is to do it and who could help on such task? We’re pythonistas, so we don’t want to go deep to RoR.
There is 99% cases when creator should get all notifications via email.
Replies (2)
Hello Paulius,
thanks for your question.
Your project managers actually don’t need to add themselves as watchers in order to receive email updates.
By default, creators of work packages are informed about changes to work packages even when they are not added as watchers (or assignee / responsible).
They just need to make sure that in their account settings below “Email Notifications” that an appropriate email notification option is selected (e.g. “Only for things I watch or I’m involved in.”)
(“I’m involved in” includes updates that are done by the author of a work package.)
Best regards,
Hello Robin,
thank you for your answer. I’m using OpenProject almost 2 years and didn’t notice that it send emails for WP creators, that is nice!