want to create a Status reporting but it gives me the next error message.
StatusReporting - New status reporting - Select Project - Create —> Reporting could not be saved
I just tried to reproduce this error but did’t achiev this :-(
Do you have admin pprivileges for your OpenProject instance?
Let me first explan the current implementation:
A status reporting is always between two projects. So one project can report a status to one ore more projects. So for example a project can report the project status “green” to the QA team (e.g. all tests are done" but “amber” to the management (e.g. attention needed because we are over time and budget).
Each project can have a project type.
Each project type can have project status
The project type defines which status are allowed to be reported to this project.
So please check:
Do you have access to more than one project?
Do these projects have project types (Administration -> Project types)?
Do you have project status (Administration -> Project status)
Are the project status enabled for the respective projecty type (Administration -> Project types -> Type X)
Is the project type enabled for the respective project (Project settings -> Overview -> Project type.
I know this sounds akward. It is definitely something that is to be changed in the near future. Most likely we will drop the feature that you can report different status to different projects.
Replies (1)
Hi Mariela,
I just tried to reproduce this error but did’t achiev this :-(
Do you have admin pprivileges for your OpenProject instance?
Let me first explan the current implementation:
So please check:
I know this sounds akward. It is definitely something that is to be changed in the near future. Most likely we will drop the feature that you can report different status to different projects.