Added by valeria amaral about 11 years ago
Hello Guys.
Is there any easy way, in spent time report, to see hour spent by only one user?
I’m using the product at the company where I work and it’s not such useful the possibility of one member see all the spent time by other members .
Could you help us?
Replies (2)
Hello Valeria,
at the moment there is not such a function to filter spent times by a specific user. We are planning to release a plug-in that provides a more sophisticated set of filters. With that plug-in it is then possible to filter spent times by users. But, unfortunately, I cannot tell you at moment, when we’ll publish this plug-in.
As a workaround: You can export the list of spent times as CVS and filter it in an spreadsheet application of your choice.
Kind regards,
Hello Hagen,
Could you tell me if any progress has been made on this issue? Having “spent units” and “spent time” as fields to be used in work package reports and / or used in the filters will solve most of the impediments i’m finding in order to use openproject within my organisation.
Thanks in advance,