Added by samuel tan almost 10 years ago
I have successfully manual install following the steps in openproject guide in Ubuntu 14 without error.
However, when after restart apache2, and trying to access to http://localhost, the pages shows “We are sorry, but something went wrong”.
I went to /tmp/passenger-errorxxx.html file, then I had this error :
" Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. (ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable)" and follow by more info as attaced.
I also check that I do have .rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/gems/execjs-2.4.0/lib/execjs
Can anyone guide me how can I proceed to get this error fixed please?
Thank you.
Replies (1)
I solve the issue myself. Just for sharing, my solution is by installing nodejs.
sudo apt-install nodejs
and restart apache2 and OP is running …