Best way to structure a University course as a project
Added by Jonathan Silva Duarte almost 10 years ago
Well, I’m from Brazil and I do study in a federal university over here. It’s called UFABC (Federal University of ABC region)
My university is quite different from others here in Brazil. Its class period is quarterly, there’s a credit system to get to the diploma (each concluded discipline equals X credits), you need to conclude the BC&T (Science and Technology Bachelor) in order to enter more specific courses like Aerospace/Information/Management engineering, or Computer Science.
But actually it’s not like this… My goal is to get 3 degrees at the end of my graduation period (Q4.2017~Q42018) so I’m taking classes all over BC&T, Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science Bachelor at the same time. So I dont need BC&T to be concluded to get started on Computer Science.
Each course has its own set of compulsory disciplines, Limited optional disciplines and the free ones (on this last are included other courses disciplines so I can course for real (getting credits) Philosophy or International Relations bachelors classes even if i’m following Aerospace Eng. etc
So I’m willing to structure all my way down to these degrees using OP.
What’s the best to to organize my studying times, classes times, reports. Should I set it as a Development project? With roadmaps and so on?
Actually I’ve this on OP
UFABC Project
BC&T project(I need a minimum of 190 credits in order to get degree on this, but 90 need to be of compulsory disciplines, 57 from limited option ones and more 43 credits from free ones.)
> Compulsory Project
> Free project
> Limited Optional ones project
> Additional hours project (movies, internship program, volunteer work, creating leagues inside university, or beeing part of university program etc)
Aerospace Engineering project
> Compulsory Project
> Free project
> Limited Optional ones project
> Additional hours project
and the same is for Computer Science.
Inside each project as compulsory etc I add a disciplines with its own workload hours, credits, time of start and due date of quarter i had coursed that discipline … and so on..
Some data: 1 credit = 12hours.
That’s my configuration.
Now my questions:
1 - Some disciplines from BC&T are compulsory for Aerospace engineering and Science Computer too.
Is there a way to use the same Workpackage for 3 different project without creating 3 different workpackages?
2 - I can track how many hours I’ve spent in each project but i’m more likely to see how much credits I do have concluded compared to total amount I need to degree. How do I do that? I’ve set some custom fields but I could not get how do I track credits instead of hours.
3 - Is there a way to, on roadmap scheme, set the progress bar associated with credits?