Added by andrea olivotto almost 10 years ago
Anyone tried the last OpenProject 4.1.0-beta?
Any hint on upgrading from 4.0.x?
I’m not a Rail expert (actually, the opposite), I would appreciate any tutorial or guide on migration from my current 4.0.8 to the new 4.1.0. I guess I’ll try myself on a dummy virtual machine.
Replies (2)
Hello Andrea,
thanks for trying OpenProject 4.1.0-beta.
You can find an update guide for OP 4.0 to 4.1 here
(These instructions are already for 4.1.0 stable, so when checking out you need to change the tag to 4.1.0-beta (git checkout v4.1.0-beta instead of git checkout v4.1.0)).
Once OpenProject 4.1.0 is released, the installation and update instructions will also be announced and added to the OpenProject website.
Please note that OpenProject 4.1.0-beta still contains several bugs. Therefore, we don’t recommend using it in production.
Best regards,
Thanks Robin, efficient as usually.