[Solved] Multiple assignee in one WP and filtering
Added by Maciej Szuba almost 10 years ago
Hi all,
I have a problem I can’t find solution to for the last few days.
Let’s assume a scenario. I have a work package when there is a one person responsible and mutliple assignees. I created a group for those assignees, as recommended in one of the posts. Now, I want to prepare a few custom reports, in which I would have listed all the tasks assigned to a particular user. I am filtering work packages for that purpose, saving the link and making it available to all. The problem is when I filter by assignee. I can see only these work packages to which a user is ‘individually assigned’, rather than ‘assigned through a group’. I am aware of the fact I can filter by assignee’s group but then I would have to create a separate querry for that, and I want to have it all in one report.
My question is this: is there any way to show all the work packages in which a user is ‘responsible’ OR ‘assigned individually’ OR ‘assigned through a group’ at the same time? It like applying a filters with OR logic instead of AND.
And one more thing: Can the same logic be applied to timelines? meaning having one timeline with work packages in which a user is ‘reposonsible’ OR ‘assigned individually’ OR ‘assigned through a group’ at the same time?
Replies (4)
Hi Maciej,
thanks for your question. ).

The behavior your describe regarding the groups is indeed a bug (
However, if each person should be able to see the work packages assigned to them (including groups), you can filter for work packages ‘assigned to ’.
There is unfortunately no way to use OR filter at the moment.
As for now you would need to create multiple filters.
(This is however a very useful feature which may be implemented in the future).
Hi Robin,
Many thanks for the prompt reply.
Do we have any ETA for fixing that bug you mentioned? It would help a lot :)
Looking forward to the OR filter feature.
Hi Maciej,
since OpenProject 4.1 is just being wrapped up, the bug will probably be fixed in OpenProject 4.2.
You can find the dates in the release timeline.
Hi Robin,
Great. Many thanks!