Added by Mike Lewis almost 10 years ago
I’ve noticed that when you click on a column heading to sort by that value, either ascending or descending, parent and children work packages get split apart. It would be nice to see the children stay with the parent regardless of the sort (hey, I’m a “family first” kind of guy :) ), but perhaps the children could be “sub-sorted” by the indicated column.
Is this already in the system to be addressed?
I noticed somewhere else someone was asking about collapsing child work packages under the parent… Perhaps this could be related to work done in that area.
Replies (1)
Hi Mike,
thanks for your question.

In OpenProject it’s possible to declare up to three sorting criteria:
You can open this screen by selecting “Sort by…” from the settings menu.
The first sorting criterion is applied first and then (within the sorting groups) the second and then third sort criterion are applied.
However, there is currently a bug when using “Parent” as first sorting criterion: .