Added by alessandro stella almost 10 years ago
I am new in the community, and I have a little problem with the pluging installation.
I have installed some plugins, but I cant see any plugins in Administration->Plugin page.
The steps that I follow are:
yum install git (only once)
(now I’m testing only the document plugin)
openproject run bundle install
openproject run rake db:migrate
openproject run rake assets:precompile
service openproject restart
There is any log that i can see on the project startup the see any plugin error on the load?
Thanks a lot
Replies (2)
Sorry, some device information:
OS: CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
OpenProject 4.0.9 (Mysql2)
Hi Alessandro,
how did you install the plugins? Did you write them in the Gemfile.plugins as described here
Could maybe post your Gemfile.plugins here?
And did you do a manual or a packaged based installation of OpenProject?