Added by Francesco Preti almost 10 years ago
does anyone know if you can close a project without storing it?
It should be impossible to change it but at the same time I should be able to read and perhaps export it to pdf.
Thank you very much,
Replies (3)
Hi Francesco,
thanks for your question.
What exactly do you mean by exporting a project to pdf?
You can certainly export individual work packages or work package lists.
You have the option to “archive” projects (in which case however you won’t be able to access them anymore).
Otherwise you may remove all project members. Then only admins will be able to make changes to them (provided you didn’t give the roles “Anonymous” and “Non member” editing permissions (this only applies if the project is public)).
Hope this answers your question.
Hi Robin,
thanks for reply.
As for the export of projects in pdf meant creating a pdf including all its work packages.
It’s really annoying to have to export the individual work packages.
Hi Francesco,
yes, you can export all work packages of a project via PDF (which will be displayed as list).
To do this, navigate to the work package list of the project, filter for the work packages you want to export (for all work packages select “Status: all”) and select “Export” from the page configuration.
Then you can select “PDF”. You can also look at the user guide for details.
(There is some limit on the number of the work packages which can be exported by PDF at once but the limit is quite high (I think around 500 work packages)).