Added by Phil Trickett almost 10 years ago
I’m wondering if I am missing something, or it would need to be implemented as a plugin.
I am looking to have a view where the person can have a list of tasks they are involved in, and they will be presented with fields to fill in time spent during the day.
Sort of an activity update to a number of different activities at the same time.
has anyone used anything like this before on OpenProject?
Replies (3)
There is something similar in the user “my page”, blocks “Spent time (last 7 days)” and “Work packages assigned to me”.
But I guess you want/need something more informative.
Hi Andrea,
Those blocks are informative, but I was thinking more along the line of a form for filling in time on multiple tasks.
The closest analogy is filling in a timesheet for multiple tasks at the end of the day.
I am looking for the same as described above.
A page to add hours of tasks of different projects worked on during the day.
In redmine this is present.
1. Maybe just very simple to add a button to the “my page”, blocks “Spent time (last 7 days)”. ( same as on /projects//time_entries in the top right ).
Then clicking the button opens the url “/time_entries/new” ( without project identifier ).
Not sure project select is required, but in redmine it then shows a project selectbox when no project identifier is available.
2. Another ?simple? great add on would be the text workpackage search on this workpacke field for time entries.
( same search as when you set for example parent workpackage ID on workpackage detail )
So when I open /projects//time_entries/new and know the workpackage name, I can search to get the ID.