Added by Thomas Tribolet about 10 years ago
For me company,I would like to make some advanced export of workpackage.
Ex : color some line, adjust column size, etc.
I don’t know if it’s me who doesn’t use openproject in the right way or if it isn’t possible for now
I have seen pdf export plugin but I haven’t see how to use it with simple workpackage.
Thanks for your help.
Replies (1)
Hello Thomas,
thanks for your message.
The export options directly on the work package or on the work package list do not have any configuration options (apart from choosing whether or not to export the work package with description in the work package list).
You can use the PDF export plugin ( and configure it so that only one work package per page is exported and adjust the layout in several aspects (but not the color as far as I’m aware).
However, this will only work from the backlogs page (choosing export story card from a sprint) and is therefore a workaround at best.