Added by Jeremy Hall about 10 years ago
I am interested in implementing OpenProject in our organisation to manage general engineering projects, rather than specifically software-related projects, which OpenProject seems to be oriented towards.
I have installed OpenProject and spend a bit of time playing with it (got it working with LDAP which is great), and I can see that it is very customisable and flexible, but I wondered - how many on here have implemented it for general project management, and would they like to share any comments?
Kind regards
Replies (2)
I’m (just started to try to) using OpenProject to manage my company product (hardware/firmware/software/…) projects.
It’s working nicely, even if there is some tedious issues:
- can’t assign a budget to a bunch of work packages;
- I need to set 0 to Remaining Hours and Estimated time to every work packages I set to Closed using the task board (to let the user story to calculate the correct % done);
- sometimes from the task board the work package editing is not on a “dialog windows” but in a new web page, tedious to go back to task board;
Apart these issues (hope they will be solved in the next releases), it’s working fine.
Hard to make all my colleagues use it, especially time logging :-(
We are actually in the process of implementing OpenProject for similar purposes. OP seems to come closest to meeting our needs, and we are hoping that as development continues we will see some of the little hangups resolved. Our goal right now is to at least get our Project Managers and Mechanical Engineers completely on board and familiar with it. A little more than a year ago, when OP was still somewhere in the 2.0 - pre3.0 stage, we decided to hold off on OP until the Budget plugin was completed for official release before installing it. In the meantime, I set up an installation of Redmine (a cousin of sorts to OP) and a few plugins to at least get our people familiar with using some type of PM system, even though Redmine seems to stick close to the software development arena.
We used Redmine successfully to manage a summer project in Houston, TX. It wasn’t perfect, and much of it was getting our people to organize their thinking a little differently, but all-in-all it was a useful tool in helping people keep track of the tasks and several due dates involved. I believe that the current version of OP (4.0) would have handled it just as well, and in some ways better than the Redmine installation we used.
Looking forward to finishing our implementation and getting everyone switched over, and looking forward to providing feedback for others making similar implementations.
- Mike