Added by Mikael Engström almost 10 years ago
Hi there,
I´m new to OpenProject and I have some questions that I have not yet found answers to in the forum sctions so I try aske them here :-)
1. Is there any way inviting a new member to a project from within the member tab under the project settings? As for now I can only add existing members and new members I have to first add via the administration module?
2. We are working with different clients for our projects and I would like people from each client to overview and access projects that belongs to their organization. As for now each member can access its own projects and admin can access all projetcs. Can I some how use grops to set a admin for a given gropu that can access all projetcs related to that specific group?
3. For all form fields I can use the editor eg for news but is it possible to integrate a wysivyg-edior instead? Also with browse-ability for uploading images or other files?
Kind regards Mikael
Replies (5)
Hi Mikael,
welcome to OpenProject :)
Thanks for your questions. I’ll try to answer them:
1.) At the moment you can only add users to a project which already exist in the admin settings.
2.) You can define groups in the admin settings and therefore add several users to a project at once. The members in the group have the same role as the group they belong to. You can find more information in the OpenProject user guide.
3.) At the moment there is no WYSIWYG editor supported in OpenProject. Currently, you can choose between textile formatting or no text formatting (via Administration > Settings > General).
Thanks for your answers :-)
I still have a problem with no2, as I wrote we have different companies that we are working with. I want to be able to create a admin for each company that can access that companies projects, and only theese. Not other companies projects. As global admin within openproject I can access all project under my installation but I need to be able to set up a light admin for my clients that will only access their own projects.
Is this some how possible to set up with gropups, I dont think so? Any other way Im not thinking of?
Hi Mikael,
I assume each of the different companies has their own project?
You can limit the access to projects for different users. First of all you should set the projects which shouldn’t be accessible to all users to private (you can do this in the project administration of each project by unchecking the option “Public”).
Then, only project members can access those projects (apart from global admins). (So you should remove all members from the project which shouldn’t have any access to this project and only leave / add those who should have access.)
In this case, it’s easiest to manually add the users who should have access to these projects as project members. Groups provide an easy way to add multiple users to projects - but if you only want to allow one person to have access to this project, it’s easier to add the person individually.
When adding a user (or a group), you can also specify the role the user / group should have in this project. The role defines which permissions a project member has in a project. (for details see here)
For instance, you could allow certain users / groups to only see the work packages in a project, but not edit them.
Hope this answers your question. If not, let me know. :)
Ok thanks!
One more question :-)
Is there some way I can use logged time for a task as progress in relation to estimated time? This would be more relevant for us if we use time logging rather then manually change % finished. And also in other views show logged time as progress in stead of %?
Hi Mikael,
sorry for the late response.
I think there is currently no direct way to use logged time and estimated time to infer percentage done or change the status of a work package automatically.
However, this would certainly be very useful.
Depending on your use case it may be sufficient to assign a work package to a budget. When logging time on this work package, you can see the progress relative to the planned budget in the budget view.