Added by Satish D about 10 years ago
I have configured the projects in Demo option available in Openproject portal, created projects, groups etc, but for creating Users there is option by name Ïnvite New User, which works through email invitation. There is no direct user adding feature, please guide me if i am missing some thing.
Under Help it is clearly mentioned about a New user creation, whereas in my interface it is Invite New User.
Please find attached screenshot.
Thanks & Regards
Replies (2)
Hi Satish,
The answer is that both ways are correct. The scenario that is described in the User Guide applies to the OpenProject configuration, if you install it on your own server (see the installation guide ).
The “invite new user” option is available in the demo configuration that you see in your demo instance. You can insert the email of the person you want to add, they will receive a confirmation email and will then be able to create their own account. After that, you can add them to the projects as usual.
Best regards,
Thank you so much for your immediate response.
In Invite New User there is a issue, once i invite the user using their email id, a email notification is recieved by them. Upon clicking on the link it lands on the instance created in openproject portal. Two options are available there one for the user to register themselves as a user and one is login using Google account.
Register a new account, if the user enter their email it says Üser id already exists. If tried for forgotten password, it thrown no such user account.
If tried to login using google account, a error is thrown, please check attached screenshot of the same.
Please help me out.