[bug?] Problem with display of projects [SOLVED]
Added by Thomas Tribolet about 10 years ago
I’m using git release/4.0 version.
Since last update I have a problem with the display.
When I open project list. The list pop under the footer.
I have attached a screen shot
Since it seems I’m the only one to have this problem.
I request community help to point where is my problem.
Here is my plugin list :
#gem “openproject-plugins”, :git => “”, :branch => “stable”
gem ‘openproject-documents’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem “openproject-translations”, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘dev’
#gem ‘openproject-costs’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem “openproject-pdf_export”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
#gem “reporting_engine”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-backlogs”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
#gem “openproject-reporting”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
System is running on debian stable.
Thanks for your help
Replies (3)
Maybe it’s a caching problem. Did you already try a different browser?
After some hours of test, I have found the problem :
It was a problem with pre-compiled assets.
I had to remove /public/assets/*
And run again : RAILS_ENV=“production” bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Strange but now it is good.
Glad to hear, you could solve the problem :)
Please add [SOLVED] to the title of your post.