Added by Ralf Walther about 11 years ago
while connecting OpenProject to Eclipse, it would be needed to signal release generation to OpenProjekt.
If I understand the “version” concept in a correct way, it is a timespan, in which several tasks have to be completed.
I would like to signal a point of time for a build process, so that it is visible to the timeline report.
One possible way:
I created a new package type called “Release” with attribute “Milestone”. That is ok, so via API we can create new release objects.
But it would be a nice feature, if one can group packages of one single type together (milestone like types), because if there are a lot of single events of one type, each event creates a new line in the report (see image). A better way is to show all packages of type “Relase” in one line.
Another possible way:
I think actually one cannot create a version object via API, right? So, say, we are able to create version entries via API, THEN the yhave to be shown in the timeline reports, too.
As a quick solution, we can use way 1.
Or is there another, … better way to signal single moments to OpenProject/Time Reports?
Replies (2)
Hi Ralf,
currently you can not show versions in timelines. This is mainly because we didn’t have time to change the current entity model.
My assumption is that a version should not have a date, because it can have several dates.
A version/release gets a date when it is connected to a workpackage (e.g. a milestone, phase etc.)
We also need a new relation type “contains/part of” so we can better model the following entities:
What do you think?
We think of a new API v.3 that will provide more features. Please let me know if you want to help out with the design?
Hi Niels,
thanks for the quick answer.
I think your assumption, that a version should not have a single date, is right. That’s why I name it “event” form now on.
I’m not quite sure, if events are in right place at the timeline. On one hand a timeline is a plan for the work packages, but on the other hand, it could reflect actual status like “work done (%)” AND events from deployment process like “Release xyz alpha build 1234”.
As I have said, actually the milestone-typed planning elements can be used to reflect such events, allthough they are not designed for it (;-)
What do you mean as “contains” relation? Actually a planning element can be related to another one as “subpackage”. It’s a bit the same intention, right?
The API is actually sufficient for us, if we use planning elements for special events (via custom element types).
I would like to explain, why I am looking at the API in that way. We are at a point where we have to decide, if we develop an eclipse plugin for mylyn - a myln repository plugin as openproject connector. Our main goal is a really simple functionality mix, to reflect work packages/tasks and release events. By the way, I’m looking forward to new API … (;-)
Kind Regards