Added by Bartosz Gołek about 10 years ago
I’m using Mercurial repository for my code and OpenProject as IssueTracking/Kanban system.
I want to automatically change status of task by commiting changes to repository.
My idea is to create commit HOOK in mercurial, and write script to parse commit description for keywords like: #{project}-{task-number}-{status-code},
and use some API to update task.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Replies (2)
Hi Bartosz,
thanks for your question.
The functionality you describe (or at least a very similar one) already exists for SVN and Git repositories.
You can find a description of the feature in the user guide:
Possibly you could re-use this functionality to work with Mercurial.
Thanks for the reply.
Shame OpenProject, is not supporting Mercurial.
For me it’s reason why i should search for other Issue Tracking system.
I choose OP because of great Agile support (plugins I’ve tested in Redmine sucks). But my general requiremetn is support of Mercurial (I dont like Git tools).
Again, Thanks for reply.