Added by andrea olivotto about 10 years ago
Sorry for the flood of posts today, but I do like openproject…
I would like to see the roadmap of the top project with the versions of the subprojects grouped, especially in case of scrum there print and product backlogs are implemented using versions. Now, all the versions are mixed together.
Thanks a lot.
Replies (4)
Hello Andrea,
thanks for your suggestion. This is a great idea.

Especially, if you want to display additional information such as story points, it may be better to use the work package list.
You can group by subprojects to display the same information as in the roadmap with the additional benefit of customizing which columns are displayed, displaying sums, etc.
That is what I’m using, Robin. Just my cent to improve the roadmap in case of multiple subprojects.
Robin, what do you think are the main pro and cons of using subprojects instead of another structure?
Example: if I’m planning a product, I could have a project “Product X” father and some children like “hardware”, “software”, “firmware”, “enclosure”, … all with their backlogs and sprints.
I could organize the plan in a different way, using a single project, and “hardware”, “software” and so on are just work packages categories, so I can filter and/or group in the work package list.
Hello Andrea,
that seems reasonable.
Especially if you want to separate the responsibility for different product categories it certainly makes sense to create them in separate (sub-)projects.
If the projects are however rather small it may be sufficient to just tag them (e.g. by using work package categories, custom fields or by simply adding an abbreviation of the product in from of the subject (e.g. [HW] for hardware, [SW] for software, etc.).
The latter approach has the advantage that the different work packages of a certain product can be quickly identified when looking at the backlog while still being able to filter by them via the “subject contains” filter in the work package list.
You read in my mind… I just created many work packages with prefix “[hw]”, “[sw]”, …
Even more, I created the category “hardware”, “software”, … and I have associated all the work packages starting with “[hw]” with category “hardware” and so on.
Double work, but could be useful when filtering with categories, even if I could filter “is subject contains [hw]”.