Added by andrea olivotto about 10 years ago
In the help page of the backlog plugin, IMHO I would like to add some info on the initial project setup of backlogs.
Something like these steps:
- create a new (fake) version named “Product Backlog”, placed on the right;
- create a new (fake) version named “Bug Backlog”, placed on the right;
- create a new (fake) version named “Wish List”, placed on the right;
- create the version named “Sprint 1”, placed on the left, set initial and due dates;
- now go to backlogs, add some user stories to “Product Backlog”;
- move some stories to “Sprint 1”;
- go to task board of “Sprint 1”;
- add some tasks to the user story, assign to a member;
Important clarifications:
- only the versions placed on the left have “Task Board”, “Burndown Chart”, … menu items;
- the version will be displayed on the roadmap, but not on the timeline! Workaround: to see something on the timeline, you need to create a “fake” phase work package (called “Sprint 1” as well) with the same start/due dat of the “Sprint 1” version.
Thanks a lot.
Replies (2)
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for your feedback :-)
We will review the user guide and integrate the information you suggested.
Thanks Maya!