How to install plugins with packaged installation?
Added by Eu Doxos about 10 years ago
I installed openproject-ce from provided package (4.0.4-1418737451.686d3f9.trusty). I would like to add some more plugins, so I modified /opt/openprojecty-ce/Gemfile.plugins
as described at . However now I need help as to how to proceed, since the installation instructions are tailored for hand-installs and do not consider specifics of packaged installations.
Firstly, the packaged version installs into /opt/openproject-ce and not /home/openproject (which is still the $HOME of the openproject user); but that is something easy to deal with.
What is the real issue is that I cannot run bundle/bower normally (as described) as the package has its own versions, so the environment must be updated to use them. I could do export PATH=/opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.4/bin:/opt/openproject-ce/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$PATH
(add all binaries needed), but I think that I am missing something obvious, like a shell file which must be sourced, and sets the environment as needed.
Replies (3)
I had the same problem, and I found something useful here:
Thanks, that helped a bit, though I am getting the error someone reported at the gist page as well…:
Did you double-check the Gemfile.plugin file?
I copy-and-paste the lines directly from these pages.