Added by Douglas Leonardo about 10 years ago
Hello, I’m trying list spent time a project and when show Log Time’s, dates are retroactive in one day, that is, today is January 6 and log times today appear as of yesterday. Has anyone had this problem?
Replies (2)
Hello Douglas,
thanks for your message.
Do you have any plugins installed (especially reporting)?
Could you tell me what time zone you are in (system time) and what you set your time zone to in OpenProject?
I tried to reproduce the bug (with installed reporting plugin) but it seems to be working properly for me (see screenshots below):

We had another bug in the timeline which displayed the date wrongly by one day (#7250), therefore this may have something to do with the system time.
Thank you for Robin response. I’m having trouble on the screen that I am attaching note that asked to list yesterday and the date that appears is the day 5 (2 days ago) and have no plugin..