Added by Andrea Spila about 10 years ago
Hi all
I have a problem with sub-tasks, i.e. if I add a sub-task to a parent task it has to have the same dates of such parent.
I need to have a parent task with a certain time frame (say 1-1-2015 to 31-1-2015) and a number of sub-tasks that are shorter (e.g. 1-1-2015 to 07-1-2015 etc.). But when I put a different time frame in the sub-task this is automatically changed also in the parent. What I am doing wrong?
Thank you for your help and happy new year!
Replies (2)
Hi Andrea,
Curently the planning works only bottom-up. So the dates of the parent are calculated by the dates of its childs. It does not support top-down approaches yet. So you can not inherit dates of parents to its childs. I guess this feature would be quite helpful:
Hi !
5 years later, I was looking to do exactly that. Is it still not possible ? Andrea did you find a workaround ?