Module for keeping track of e-mails related to project
Added by Eu Doxos about 10 years ago
Hi everybody,
I would like to keep track of (sometimes numerous) e-mails related to each project. It would be too hard to convince other team members to copy all relevant contents to the work packages / forums / whatever (it is too time-consuming, and if not automatized, it will simply not happen).
I though it should not be “too hard” (we would be willing to support this effort financially perhaps) to add a module for this. Something along these lines:
- openproject would have a regular IMAP account.
- all e-mails for a project would be cc’ed to (where + is the default local part separator), and a simple procmail rule (extracting the part after the +) would deliver that e-mail to openproject’s IMAP account into the folder called ProjectName (created if not existing).
- each project in openproject could then display the associated IMAP folder’s content, perhaps in some conversation view, with the ability to drag&drop attachments to project documents, and link mail messages from WP via some shortcodes (there are rails-based webmails, those could be perhaps re-used).
- notifications from each project would have as sender.
As bonus, special messages sent to that address would be processed to close WPs or manipulate the project in other ways (similar to the Debian BTS).
Is there some existing functionality for keeping track of e-mails, by sending to a specially-crafted address? I used to be able to cc e-mail to Trac with some Postfix magic, to add comments to tickets, and it was quite useful.