Error creating new project after fresh install
Added by Justin Bowers over 10 years ago
I’m extremely new to OpenProject as I’ve just recently found it to test out. I setup my Linode with Wheezy and installed OpenProject. The site loads up just fine and I can browse anything under Administration. However, when I try to create a project or click on “view overall time spent”, I receive the following error:
Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your OpenProject administrator for assistance.If you are the OpenProject administrator, check your log files for details about the error.
I wasn’t exactly sure how to check the log files, but I ran “openproject logs” on my server and saw various items. Here are some of those errors:
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache 7f01e0aadd5aecf973d48477e7b244317d 086641/_13_main_content.sassc: can’t dump anonymous class #<Class:0x007fa6cbc1d3 28>
WARNING on line 50 of /tmp/d20141105-10-o3ltmz/opt/openproject/app/assets/styles heets/legacy/_14_issue_table.sass:
This selector doesn’t have any properties and will not be rendered.
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache ./.sass-cache/ddc857a6d2b9665adb31 59b988f06dc941339c8d/_shape-size-stripper.scssc: can’t dump anonymous class #
/var/log/openproject/web-1.log <
/opt/openproject/config/initializers/10-patches.rb:68:in `rescue in human_attrib ute_name’ : [DEPRECATION] Relying on Redmine::I18n addition of `field_` to your translation key “id” on the “WorkPackage” model is deprecated. Please use proper ActiveRecord i18n!
Caught: translation missing: (Standa rdWarning)
I’m unsure if I have something configured incorrectly, but I honestly just let the package installer do all the work. Any help would be appreciated!
Replies (4)
Also, one other issue that I’m seeing and didn’t notice before I ran the latest update this morning is that the modules link at the top of the page links to “projects#” now instead of showing me the dropdown for “Administration”. Actually, none of the drop down menus work at the top now. For instance, when I click on my user account at the top right, it just takes me to a page that shows my email and the last login time. However, it no longer gives me the drop down to go to “My Account” or “Sign Out”.
Hi Justin,
Did you find a solution to your problems? I’m getting the same error in /var/log/apache2/error.log - App 17419 stderr: Caught: translation missing: (StandardWarning) - and I was wondering if you found the reason for this message.
Hi Alex,
I had posted a separate question on the forum and ended up fully reinstalling openproject using the manual directions instead of the automatic package installer. Afterwards, I haven’t had an issue with this problem.
Justin Bowers wrote:
Hi Bowers,
Can y tell me what manual directions that you followed ? I install with manual OP3.0, but install OP 4.0 with bower install but that error still happened !
BRds !