Added by João Santos about 10 years ago
I’ve recently installed openproject 4.0.2 via package manager in ubuntu and added my required plugins to Gemfile.pluggins file.
Altough everything seems to be working fine, when I go to the Backlogs tab I get the version tables in a strange format:
I have no error in the log files and WP creation is working fine. Does anyone have a clue on what might be causing this?
Replies (7)
Hello João,
thanks for your post.
This is indeed very weird behavior.
At the moment we are not supporting the use of plugins for the packager installation. (We are working on a packager version which includes plugins.)
Instead, it is recommended to use the manual installation when using plugins.
(If I misunderstood you and you are using the manual installation could you list the contents of your Gemfile.plugins?)
The same happen to me just now, package installation 4.04 on ubuntu server 14.04, today updated to 4.05.
Hint: I had an error page creating a task. Then, I deleted that task. After this, it seems that the backlog remember the task (reading the mess, I see a the old task number), even if it’s no present anymore.
Any chance to solve this issue? Package installation is very handy.
Do you think this issue is present in the bitnami virtual appliance as well?
Could it be related to email misconfiguration?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi Andrea,
do you use the regular community edition?
You could of course have a look at the Bitnami installer or the Bitnami VM if the error persists.
I didn’t encounter the error at either one of the installations.
Thanks Robin for your reply.
I started the openproject evaluation 0n 09 December 2014, so no community edition here (I add the line “deb trusty stable” to the openproject.list). I needed to start from Ubuntu server, the installed the openproject reading this page:
Plugins were not present, I had to create a brand new Gemfile.plugin and follow the procedure as this page:
Yesterday I updated the server via apt-get, did it upgrade my openproject to the new community edition?
I’m now evaluating the bitnami openproject 4.0.4-1, the issue seems not present.
Hello Andrea,
the “community edition” is separate from the “core” packager installation.
Since a lot of user asked about using plugins in the packager installation, we released an edition which includes the plugins.
You can find detailed instructions on the installation page.
There is also a news providing some context.
The Bitnami installation is certainly an easy way to install OpenProject, but please note that this is not the latest version of OpenProject (OP 4.0.4 vs. OP 4.0.5).
Thanks Robin, your support is very appreciated.
I’ll write every glitch or suggestion, to help you to improve this so nice piece of software.
Hello Andrea,
thanks a lot for your suggestions and tests! :)
This is valuable feedback.