Added by Min Soo Kim over 10 years ago
I’m korean. I need to advice to solve problem.
I’m write this post bacause can’t setup repositories.
- OS : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- OpenProject : 4.0.1(standalone)
- Git : 1.9.1
- Gitolite : 2.3-1
- Project path in local : /home/leminity/repositories/sample.git
My problems
I hope to setup repository. So I entered Project Settings > repository.
And configurate and save propoerties in Repository page.
- SCM : Git
- path to .git directory : /home/leminity/repositories/sample.git [ctl c v project path]
- path encoding : utf-8
but i don’t show repository. only show 404 error message.
“The entry or revision was not found in the repository.”
I completed Initial commit already.
In Addition, try to create and push new branch.
Please advice me. T.T
Replies (2)
That 404 may mean that OpenProject cannot find where the git binary is.
Find the path to the ‘git’ binary for your system, by typing in your shell
Let’s say, git is located at ‘/usr/bin/git’
Open your config/configuration.yml and find the following line:
Comment out that line and put the path to the git.
Hope it works.:)
First, Thank for your reply.
I’m not solved this problem despite refered your answer.
OpenProject log message’s ‘not a git repository.’.
I success create bare repository(git init —bare) by git command only.
I guess to not supported gitolite in OpenProject.
I found and tried to install git-hosting pulgins, but fail to intsall.
Maybe, plugins not compatible OpenProject 4.0.1.
once more thank your reply.
bye ~