Added by Martin Böhm almost 11 years ago
I use Firefox 24.5 ESR and IE 9.0.
In Firefox the fonts at are sometimes unreadable and in IE complete letters are missing. In contrast my local site open project instance shows the fonts very well. (see the attached screenshots)
Replies (10)
I have exactly the same issue with firefox nightly builds and with chromium I’ve lost all the text now!
It works fine with my internal openproject server.
I suspect an update in
I barely can use it now (I have to copy past the text to a text editor to be able to read it)
This is in windows 7
Works fine with linux.
Some font update?
Thank you
I am Using both demo version & and one on my own VPS.
In both Apps with PM 4.0 Text is Displayed in a funny way.
All First Characters are missing in all words ion firefox 32 & In Chrome Only Images show up. This ocurs only in Win7.
In my Centos VPS & other Centos Clients. Everything is working fine.
I also got this problem but now I can solve it
In chrome
1. open your chrome, and put “chrome://flags” in address bar
2. enable “DirectWrite”
3. restart your chrome.
That’s all.
if someone know how to fix it in firefox please help
indeed, this solved the issue for me too…
for firefox, you have to disable font loading
about:config; and search for:
Set it to false and restart.
I think that the new font used by open project is not compatible with the browsers. I don’t know why.
What changes have been made in OpenProject 4.0 related to fonts?
I have to say that Firefox 33 and Chrome 39 show the 4.0 version not so clear as 3.0.13 version
In OpenProject 4.0 fonts are a bit smaller and not so clear than they were previously in 3.0.13
Screen captures are attached
But to me Internet Explorer 11 is fine with both 4.0 and 3.0.13 versions
So it’s strange, maybe somebody will clarify what is going on.
I use Windows 7, English edition
if the font name is the same, then it’s strange.
To sumup the issue:
- Appears only on windows platforms. Linux is fine, whatever is the browser
- Disabling DirectDraw in chrome solves the issue
- Disabling font download in firefox solves the issue
I’ve noted something that may help: when loading the page, I can see that the page is properly displayed for half a second and then refreshed (as if something triggered a display/font change) and then the page starts to exibit the issue.
Most of the time we don’t have the time to see this “refresh”.
So maybe it’s related to some new behavior when handling the fonts? (a filter applied? something that triggers a page redraw)
For Firefox 33 on Windows 7 if I follow this advice
then some graphical characters (arrows) are not displayed anymore
See attached image please.
No comment from someone involved in the OpenProject development ?
Alexandru Matei wrote:
We currently use a custom font to render icons. If you disable font rendering, you will no longer be able to view icons.
@Everyone thanks for your patience.
There are two separate issues here:
Unfortunately, despite trying various VM configurations, I’ve yet to be able to reproduce the second problem.
While I can only conjecture as to where the problem lies (DirectWrite, Chrome’s dropping of SVG support), I believe PR 2248 should resolve the second of these two issues.
If you have a moment, please try out this PR - either checking out locally, or by using the Teatro staging server:
Comments and feedback (including full version numbers, screenshots) are very helpful, and can be added to the GitHub PR or #8753, the work package tracking this issue.