Added by Justin Bowers over 10 years ago
I just posted a problem that I’m seeing with creating new projects earlier, but I had another question in regards to installing plugins.
On the page, it states that you can install plugins by listing them in “Gemfile.plugin”. I’m inexperienced with both OpenProject and Ruby, so I don’t know where this file is actually located. I browsed a few directories on my server, but couldn’t really find where this file is (let alone the actual install directory for OpenProject).
I tried searching on the forums for this file location, but was unable to find it. I’m sure it’s something simple.
Also, I was looking to install a plugin that would give me the same functionality as the Forums here. I didn’t see it listed though on the plugins page. Is this a plugin that users can download?
Replies (8)
Hi Justin,
forums are actually part of the OpenProject core. You don’t need any plugin to use them.
In order to display a forum you first need to create a forum in “Project settings” > tab “Forum” > “New forum”.
Make sure the “Forums” module is activated: “Project settings” > “Modules” > check “Forums”.
Regarding the installation of plugins: You need to create the Gemfile.plugin first:
Plugins in OpenProject behave like normal ruby gems. To preserve the distinction between gems required for OpenProject itself and the plugin gems we decided to have a distinct Gemfile for the later. That way it is also easier to update.
Best regards,
Thanks for the quick response Robin. I’m unable to create a forum yet since I receive an error attempting to create a project. I just didn’t see a setting for it under the administration section, so I wasn’t sure about it.
So I’ll have to create a Gemfile.plugins file first, and you said that I need to put that in the OpenProject root directory. However, I don’t know where the OpenProject root directory is located. Where is the default location on Wheezy?
Hello Justin,
I just saw from your other post that you installed OpenProject using packager.
The above mentioned approach is relevant for the manual installation of OpenProject.
Officially, plugins for packager installations are not yet supported (in this case a manual installation is strongly suggested (see also the information on the packager site )).
The use of plugins in combination with the packager installation has not been tested but it is theoretically possible.
For some information you may have a look here:
(But you should know what you’re doing if you plan to install plugins for your packager installation.)
Best regards,
Oh Ok. I just followed the instructions on your website. I saw where there was manual instructions, but didn’t know there was a difference in the functionality. Maybe I should try to reinstall it using the manual instructions instead (since I’m also having a problem creating projects)?
Hello Justin,
yes, you’re right. It should be more clearly labeled that plugins are currently only supported for the manual installation.
If you plan to use plugins, the manual installation is probably the better choice.
Note however that the manual installation involves quite a lot of steps (unlike the packager installation).
It will most likely be easier to try the packager installation again if the core features are sufficient for you.
But it doesn’t hurt to give the manual installation a try. :)
You can find the manual installation instructions here: Installation instructions.
Hi Robin,
I deleted and reinstalled my Linode with a fresh copy of Debian 7.7. I followed your manual instructions and everything installed successfully. However, when I try to visit my openproject site, I receive a directory listing which shows the following files and folders:
assets (directory)
javascripts (directory)
templates (directory)
I’m unsure why the site isn’t loading properly, so any help is appreciated.
Hi Robin,
FYI - I was able to successfully install OpenProject using the manual instructions on my local Debian box. Since it worked without an issue, I reloaded and attempted again on my Linode. Everything seems to be working fine now.
Hi Justin,
great job! :)
That’s good to hear.
Have fun with OpenProject!