Added by diogo salvador over 10 years ago
We are trying to display basic project information on the “Overview” page of the projects using “Custom Fields”, to make it easier for Management to check project status (ex: Project Director; Coordinator; Status; Constraints, …) . Its easy to create the costum fields, the problem is that these fields become hard to read wend displayed in the Overview page (check image).
Is there any way to format these text fields?
(using “bold” would be enough to solve this)
thank’s for everything.
Diogo Salvador
Replies (6)
Hi Diogo,
thanks for your question.
I’m not quite sure if I understand you correctly.
I didn’t see any custom fields in the screen shot you provided.
In general, you can use bold text by including the text between asterisks: …
However, I see in your screenshot that the links are not displayed properly. Are all the links displayed like that?
If so, this may possibly be related to a font problem we are addressing at the moment (#8753).
Thanks for your reply.
As you can see in the new files attached those are mostly custom fields. For example in the field (Director de Projecto: Ana Rute Ferreira) I’m using asterisks, but they don’t turn the text into bold.
Hi Diogo,
thanks for the explanation.
Now I better understand the issue.
Unfortunately, the formatting really cannot be applied to custom fields.
Feel free however to open a feature request in the Wish List.
Alternatively, maybe it’s an option to enter the relevant information in the project description?
This is certainly not ideal but may be an alternative to using custom fields and still being able to apply formatting.
Hello Robin,
Thank you for your answer.
We will try to adapt our needs.
Best regards
Hello Diogo,
that’s great to hear.
If you use the manual installation you may also want to take a look at the OpenProject MyProject Page plugin which allows customization of the Project Overview page and among other options allows you to add a “Teaser” to the project overview page.
Using a teaser you basically have an embedded wiki page on the project overview and can use wiki syntax, macros (e.g. to include existing wiki pages via include macro) and upload attachments:
Best regards,
Hello again,
We are going to install that plugin and try it out. Looking at the screen shot it seems to solve our problem. We will send feedback as soon as posible.
Thank you very much