Added by Alexandru Matei over 10 years ago
Hi, good morning
I create a new cost report.
When saving it by pressing “Save” button, the “user” is not saved properly.
Instead, when I reopen the report, the user name of a colleague is displayed, not my user name.
Please see the attached image, to see what I mean.
Replies (2)
Hi Alexandru,
thanks for your post.
I could not reproduce this bug. Are there specific steps to follow to reproduce this error?
In my case the users were saved correctly.
Which version of OpenProject are you using?
I tested this with OP 4.0.0 and 3.0.14.
Hi Robin
Good evening
1. We are still on version 3.0.13 here
2. I don’t think I do anything special
Select from the upper side of the screen “Modules” -> “Cost Reports”
- I enter the “Date spent”,
- I choose my name “Alexandru Matei” from the “User” combobox
and then I press “Save”
When I reopen the newly created report, there is another user name selected in the “User” combobox (“Silviu Hadareanu” )
I am attaching another screen capture with details.
Many thanks !