openproject-auth_cas not showing in login window
Added by art vanderhoff about 10 years ago
I have followed the plugin instructions from to install the openproject-auth_cas plugin. However I can not get the login provider box to show below the normal UN:PW fields.
Do I need to set something in administration or should the login provider just display?
Are there any other configs I need to add to get this plugin to work?
How do I tell if the plugin is being laded and/or generating errors?
the production logs show no distinct errors relating to the plugin.
As per instructions I added the following
gem ‘openproject-auth_plugins’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘dev’
gem “openproject-auth_cas”, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘dev’
gem ‘omniauth-cas’, git: ‘’
/config/plugins/auth_cas/settings.yml (as default just for testing)
name: “goggle”
url: “”
display_name: “My CAS provider”
# Use the default CAS icon
icon: “auth_provider-cas.png”
# Extended Attributes mapping
uid_key: “username”
The install log shows
Installing omniauth 1.2.1
Using omniauth-cas 1.0.4 from (at master)
Replies (2)
Hi Art,
sorry - I can’t reproduce this.
Following your configuration, using the stable openproject branch (4.0), the strategy registers just fine:
Can you skim through the logfile (log/production.log or log/development.log, depending on your rails env) for anything suspicious?
I suspect the file is not readable by the user running openproject, and then something like the following should appear in the log:
[auth_cas] Missing settings from '/path/to/config/plugins/auth_cas/settings.yml', skipping omniauth registration.
Thanks Oliver,
No sign of that string in the install log or the production log.
I did find some warnings that may be related such as
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache c6ffcdc0ed3ec6b654cc1c6a4968aa4549a6858b/default.css.sassc: can’t dump anonymous class #Class:0x00000005523488
I am not sure if it is related by I did find the below in the production.log, does this mean the plugin is registered?
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Rendered hooks/login/_auth_provider.html.erb (0.4ms)
Rendered account/_auth_providers.html.erb (2.5ms)
Rendered account/_login.html.erb (15.6ms)