Added by Casey Kerr about 11 years ago
Tried installing this on my webhost (bluehost) following their instructions mixed with your (poor) instructions. Failed 5 times.
Tried to install this on heroku using their instructions for ruby mixed with your (again, poor) instructions. Failed 3 times
Tried installing this on my mac as a test environment to at least play with this… failed 2 times.
Wish I could try OpenProject… Alas, ruby on rails is as I always experienced: trash. This project looked so promising!
Replies (6)
how much experience do you have with installing ror-application? I am asking this for two reasons:
However, since you want others people support think of what you can give back to the community. If you do not have anything to contribute some nice words are always better than nothing. Think about it.
I tried installing a ror application years ago and had similar issues (similar as in: it never goes according to the installation docs). Always some gem issue that is never covered. I google the issues to just find other people taking wild stabs on solutions (some of which work for some, and don’t work for others, of course dated 3+ years ago, so of course it doesn’t work for me as everything has advanced further into “not compatible with that version anymore”-ville). It’s never a good sign when a solution on stack overflow has 8 replies with mixed results of “worked for me”, “didn’t work for me”, “lets try adding pepper, that may do it”, “didn’t work, lets try removing a screw in a random spot, see if that solves it”…..
“If you do not have experience with ror-applications I suggest you ask somebody with the required skills to do it for you.”
Why would I ask someone else to do it for me? All the ror evangelists claim how amazing ror is, how user friendly… I’ve have experience with MANY different languages, on MANY different platforms throughout my 30+ years in this field. If I can’t follow simple tutorials without having
nversioning/compatibility issues (over the span of years) then at some point I have to think it really isn’t my complete lack of understanding such a “user friendly” tool (that was my first frustration years ago); perhaps it’s ror (what I am now leaning towards). Secondly, if I can’t simply install/support it directly (for whatever reason), why the hell would I pitch it to someone as a middle man? Having someone else build the house-of-cards for me, because I cannot, doesn’t mean that the house-of-cards is the solution. All it means is that one less person in the world can build a house of cards. Eventually the question becomes “how costly is it to have a house of cards, if only few can build/maintain it” instead of “the builders of said house are rare, and thus worth more”.“However, since you want others people support think of what you can give back to the community”
I’m not looking for support; I’ve posted this in “General discussion” as a declaration. An admittance of inability (if you prefer). I was frustrated beyond belief last night (wasted 5 hours attempting this); after I slept it off, I awoke frustrated still without touching it (something new for me as I’m usually anxious to give something another stab after a break from it). I wanted to try OpenProject, just try it… No demo, no good video, can’t install it (on 3 different environments, 1 of which is heroku, which I make Play applications for all the time in my career).
“If you have experience with it so please give us more detailed information on bugs or missing information in the installation docs.”
I have little experience with ror. I find ruby syntax reads like a 2 year old explaining what the elephant in a book is doing (not in a funny-cute way either, in a what-the-hell-is-he-saying way). Not a big deal though, I can muttle my way through scala, so I should, at the very least, be able to install this solution without coding in it right? The docs expect me to have a really really good understanding of ror, not just a basic knowledge. If it was just a basic knowledge it would be more complete in terms of possible installation issues. Hell, when I didn’t find a demo, I saw registration (on this site). After registration, still no download or demo link, so my first thought is “is this some sort of community/bucket project software (like github)?”. It took me over 30 min of going through the site just to find out I couldn’t create a project, create tasks, then I finally found a download link with instructions. Heck, just looking at the menu as I type this, I see no where to easily get to the installation instructions to even quote you some of the issues I had with following them. Heck^2 there isn’t even a “quote” or “code” block I can use on this forum reply like there is on EVERY OTHER FORUM ON THE INTERNET.
I honestly do understand what your saying Niels. Your very nice about someone coming in and disrespecting your god ( I expected no reply, or, if anything, someone deleting my post). I wasn’t planing on coming back after my initial post, I was fed up and done and just wanted to quickly scream it from a mountain top as a means of closure to my failure. I cannot spend any more time on attempting to “try” OpenProject, nor can I dedicate any more time to installing a ror application. I fear that after the next ror failure, I will have to give up on anything ror related because after a 3rd massive attempt/failure I will just be brushing the edge of insanity (and I really need to bank that 3rd attempt for something else, probably years from now, when hopefully ror has more matured).
Thanks to God it was on RoR.
In my, nearly zero, experience on RoR, i follow the Centos/PostgreSQL guide and it was straightforward.
The Server Hardware is old, but the response times are amazing, Keep RoR, i will keep spreading OP experience on fellows and clients.
Hello Rafael,
nice to hear that you like what we did, Thanks :smile:
I had NOT ANY knowledge about Linux, RoR or OpenProject before I installed OP.
But even I finished the installation on Ubuntu successfully after a couple days of work.
Ok, it’s really tricky to install OP. Maybe even for people who have experience with Linux and RoR. But when I can do it, probably everybody can. ;)
In the end it’s definitely worth the effort to get it running.
OP is just great!
Thanks to the team for their great work!
best regards,
PS: Maybe my post is a bit offtopic. But when I was reading the initial post, I was “forced” to answer.
Liked OpenProject so much, was just searching for some good project management tool. looks like I found good open source project management tool , demo app is really cool..well done OP team.