Added by lyron ong over 10 years ago
as the subject suggested, is it possible to get default assignee, custom field and start date when create new work package for specific type?
for eg,
when i choose, the type to be “bug”
assignee will appear as “xxx” which is default for “bug”.
start date will be default of the day this work package is created.
please advise if there is a way to achieve this.
thank you.
Replies (4)
Hi lyron,
you can create default custom fields for certain types.

Just go to Administration > Types > select the type you want to assign custom fields to and check the custom fields you want.
When the custom fields are enabled in the project, they will then be set to the type by default.
If you want to also set custom values for those custom fields you can set default values for each custom field (but independent of the type).
Setting a default assignee and start date is - as far as I’m aware not possible.
If it helps you could create a work package category and define an assignee there (Project settings > Work package categories).
When you assign the category to a new work package and leave the assignee field blank the defined assignee is added automatically once the work package is created.
There may be a work around for setting a default start date by defining a work package custom field of type date and assigning it a default value as well as the types you want to use it with.
thanks for the swift reply.
appreciate it.
I am also interested in this matter.
It would be very useful to set default values for “New work package”
- default ‘Type’ = Task
- default ‘Start date’ =today
- default ’[ ] Email updates = unchecked
I'm also interested in having a feature that makes me able to set the default assigne for work packages, setting it to me for every working package created is borring...
There could be
Would be veeeeeeery nice, in fact, is there a way to do a feature request for openproject?
lyron ong wrote: