Added by Juan Urbina over 10 years ago
Hi i’m writing because i have a problem with the login labels that’s because the login name and the login button points to the same label so they have the same text when almost on spanish they are totally different things. you can see it on the image.
So i wanted to ask you if you can make the label of the username points to one thing and the login button points to other one respectively so that problem will be solved, so much thanks for your attention
Replies (5)
Hi Juan,
thanks for pointing this out.
The translations (except for English) are actually retrieved from CrowdIn and are provided by community members who want to contribute to OpenProject.
Most of the times the translations are good, but sometimes it turns out that these translations are not correct.
I approved a different suggestion for the “Sign in” button: “Ingresar”. Since I’m not a native Spanish speaker, I’m however not sure if this translation is correct in this context.
If you have a better suggestion, please let me know. Or you could add the translation yourself (or vote for existing ones) on CrowdIn.
You can find the CrowdIn site for OpenProject here:
The new translations are updated each day and included in the newest version of OpenProject (with translation plugin).
If you update your OpenProject version tomorrow (or possibly the day after tomorrow), the translation should be correct.
Hi Robin,
I helped to translate somethings from english to spanish and i suggested that but i did not know than the button and the label takes the same text and on spanish if you put “Ingresar” on the label where the user put his username that’s wrong because “Ingresar” is not the same that “Nombre de usuario” (username),so would suggest that the text of the label and the button to be taken in two different places, currently the attribute which is both (the label and button) take is login and suddenly the button could be login and the label be username or loginname or something like that, nothing else is a suggestion I hope do not get me wrong, have a nice day
Hi Juan,
thanks for the hint and your translations.
I had a closer look at the translations and the text for the label and the button is actually different but quite misleading:
The original English version uses the terms “Login” and “Sign in”:
“Login” refers to the user name while “Sign in” is the name of the button.
The Spanish translations for both are currently “Ingresar” which is probably right from a word-by-word translation but does not fit the context.
I now changed the translation of “Login” (which refers to the user name) to “Nombre de Usuario” which should clean up this error.
Hi Robin
I already update the translations plugin and i have the same error, just for test i changed the language to english and the same error happens. They have the same text. What can i do now? did you have some idea :+1: :smile:

Hi Juan,
on the stable branch was still a wrong translation for the login label which is now adjusted. It should be correct by tomorrow.
The translation on the dev branch should already be correct. Once you update the translations plugin the login screen should be displayed correctly. Here is a screenshot:
Thanks again for reporting this issue.