Added by Vijay Ivaturi over 11 years ago
I am using the stable version of openproject and would like to know if there is an option to change what items go onto the home page. Currently by default I see the “Latest News” and “Latest Projects” show up. There is some flexibility in the admin setting to insert some text and images but I dont want the home page which is public to list some of the confidential projects that we are doing.
Please advise.
Replies (10)
Hi Vijay,
the feature is currently implemented by a plugin. We currently update this plugin so it works with OpenProject 3.0 using the new plugin API. I guess, we will then publish it on GitHub.
Hi Niels,
Can you please provide the link to the plugin for the stable version, and some example of how to do it.
Hi Vijay,
we decided not to publish it yet since we didn’t have the time to do all the related work (Readme, Version, Support etc.). We rather spent this time on the refactoring and several features of OpenProject 3.0.
Hi Niels,
Is there any other way to default the home page to a blank login page as we dont want the default news items and projects to be listed on the web.
Hi Vijay,
No there is currently no option to have a blank login page.
Hi Vijay,
it sounds to me like you do not want to allow people access to the system that are not locked in. For that you could go to:
Modules -> Administration -> Settings -> Authentication
And check the “Authentication required” select box. Save afterwards.
Hope that helps
Hi Jen,
Thanks for the reply. I am confused regarding Locked and Unlocked status. A locked user cannot have access to any content - is that right. So, I can think of a situation where the user is done with his contribution to the project and the admin is instructed to block his access to the project?
How do I delete users when I am in the admin mode. Do I have to do it from the database on the server?
Regarding home page view - I figured it out by making all projects private so that anyone having direct access to the URL cannot see news updates and latest project events until they sign in.
Hi Vijay,
I fear I made a spelling error in my reply probably increasing your confusion. I was referring to logged (not locked) in users.
Locked users are no longer able to make use of the account. No login is possible, so your guess is right. So is your proposed use case for this.
Regarding your question on deleting users I would first like to know the version of OP you are using. Is it the rails 2.3 version (somewhat lacking a version number) or is it OP 3.0? Because the OP 3.0 does not yet fully support user deletion. The rails 2.3 version does. The steps to do so would be the same in both versions:
This will delete the user account and all objects that are of no interest to other users (user’s preferences, private queries, …). Objects like work packages, wiki pages, … will not be deleted. Instead their reference to the user’s account are rewired to the “Deleted user”. This ensures the anonymity of the deleted user while allowing all others to still build on what the deleted user worked at.
Any option to customize home page of open-project after log-in?
Chinnu M V
Hi Chinnu,
this is not yet possible. At the moment, you can customize the project dashboard and your own "My Page"